03 Nov 2021 2 min read

QuSecure VP, Customer Success, Kosta Vilk Presented at IQT Fall

The Inside Quantum Technology (IQT) Fall conference held November 1-5, 2021, stressed the importance of quantum-safe cryptography during its two-panel session and painted a picture of how far we may have to go to ensure large numbers of corporate enterprise and government systems can be declared quantum-safe. 

What is quantum-safe? Quantum-safe cryptography, or post-quantum, quantum-resistant, refers to an umbrella term for the studies of cryptographic tools that safeguard against quantum computers and quantum algorithms.   

During one of the sessions, John Prisco, president and CEO of Safe Quantum Incorporated, and Kosta Vilk, VP, Customer Success of QuSecure, focused on why the transition to quantum-safe cryptography is so important for enterprise data centers, and why there is such an urgency around it. Vilk said it’s important to remember that “no networks are going to go from legacy systems to quantum systems in one go,” so the industry needs to focus on helping clients pursue hybrid models in which systems from both eras can still securely talk to one another.  

Prisco continued to explain ‘hack now, decrypt later,” as attacks that collect encrypted data now with the intent of using quantum computing at some time in the future to decrypt it. “The reason to worry about this right now is that you have harvesting going on… I’m sure China is copying everything it can get its hands on. “

Both QuSecure and Safe Quantum have worked with Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and said the next major step to transition to post-quantum cryptography, or quantum methods that will protect encryptions from quantum-driven efforts to break them, will be the completion of post-quantum standards by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST.) 

“NIST may have at least two and possibly four standard algorithms,” Prisco said. But he cautioned, “Moving to post-quantum cryptography is not going to be a drop-and-replace upgrade. We had security standards in the 1970s and 1990s where adoption took years to spread.” 
For more details, read the full article here.  

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