26 Jul 2024 5 min read

Are RSA and AES Both at Risk From the Quantum Threat?

Are RSA and AES Both at Risk From the Quantum Threat? What You Need to Know About NIST’s Upcoming PQC Standards Announcement.

By: Paul Fuegner

Inigo Montoya knows his stuff – crypto-agile post-quantum cryptography is his trump card. 

In the realm of cryptography, the security of data is paramount. For years, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) have served as the bedrock of encryption protocols. However, with the advent of quantum computing, the landscape of cryptography is poised for a significant shift. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is on the verge of announcing new post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms designed to withstand the threats posed by quantum computers. In this blog post, we will compare AES-256 and RSA with these forthcoming PQC algorithms and discuss how QuSecure’s QuProtect enterprise platform software solution is uniquely positioned to help customers transition smoothly to a crypto-agile future. 

The Legacy of AES-256 and RSA 


AES-256 is a symmetric encryption algorithm widely recognized for its robustness and efficiency. It operates by using the same key for both encryption and decryption processes, which makes it faster and less resource-intensive compared to asymmetric encryption algorithms. AES-256 is considered highly secure due to its 256-bit key length, which offers many possible key combinations, rendering brute-force attacks nearly impossible with current technology. 


On the other hand, RSA is an asymmetric encryption algorithm that uses a pair of keys – a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. The security of RSA relies on the computational difficulty of factoring large prime numbers. Typically, RSA keys are 2048 or 3072 bits long. While RSA is fundamental to many cryptographic protocols and applications, it is significantly slower than AES due to its complex mathematical operations. 

The Quantum Threat  

The emergence of quantum computers and AI pose a serious threat to traditional encryption methods. Quantum computers leverage the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations at unprecedented speeds, which could potentially break RSA encryption by efficiently factoring large prime numbers. AES-256, while more resilient, is not entirely immune; a sufficiently powerful quantum computer could reduce the time required for a brute-force attack to feasible levels using Grover’s algorithm. 

NIST’s Upcoming PQC Algorithms 

Recognizing the imminent threat posed by quantum computing, NIST has been leading the charge in developing new cryptographic standards designed to be secure against quantum attacks. The forthcoming PQC algorithms are expected to provide the resilience needed to protect sensitive data in a post-quantum world. These algorithms fall into several categories, including lattice-based, hash-based, code-based, and multivariate quadratic equations, each offering distinct advantages and potential use cases. 

  • Lattice-Based Cryptography: These algorithms rely on the hardness of lattice problems, which remain difficult for quantum computers to solve efficiently. Examples include algorithms like Kyber and Dilithium. 
  • Hash-Based Cryptography: These use hash functions to create secure digital signatures. An example is the SPHINCS+ algorithm. 
  • Code-Based Cryptography: These are based on error-correcting codes and are known for their strong security foundations. An example is the Classic McEliece algorithm. 
  • Multivariate Quadratic Equations: These rely on the complexity of solving multivariate quadratic equations, which are difficult for both classical and quantum computers to crack. 


QuSecure’s QuProtect: Leading the Way in Crypto-Agility 

As organizations prepare for the quantum era, the ability to transition seamlessly between cryptographic algorithms – a concept known as crypto-agility – becomes crucial. This is where QuSecure’s QuProtect solution excels. QuProtect is designed to provide robust security against both classical and quantum threats, ensuring that data remains protected as cryptographic standards evolve. 

 Key Features of QuProtect 

  • Seamless Integration: QuProtect is engineered to integrate effortlessly with existing infrastructure, minimizing disruption while enhancing security. No rip and replace is required. 
  • Algorithm Crypto Agility: QuProtect supports a wide range of cryptographic algorithms, including AES-256, RSA, and the upcoming NIST-approved PQC algorithms. This flexibility allows organizations to switch algorithms as needed, ensuring continuous protection. 
  • Future-Proof Security: By incorporating the latest advancements in cryptography, QuProtect ensures that your data remains secure against future threats, including those posed by quantum computing. 
  • Performance Optimization: Despite its robust security features, QuProtect is designed to optimize performance, ensuring that encryption and decryption processes are efficient and do not hinder operational workflows. 
  • Comprehensive Support: QuSecure provides extensive support and guidance to help organizations navigate the complexities of transitioning to PQC, from initial assessment to full implementation and beyond. 



As we stand on the cusp of a new era in cryptography, it is essential to understand the evolving threat landscape and the need for advanced security solutions. While AES-256 and RSA have served us well, the imminent arrival of quantum computing necessitates a shift to more resilient cryptographic algorithms. NIST’s forthcoming PQC algorithms promise to provide the security we need, and with QuSecure’s QuProtect solution, organizations can achieve crypto agility, ensuring that their data remains protected today and in the future. 

QuSecure is committed to leading the way in quantum-safe encryption, helping customers stay ahead of emerging threats and secure their digital assets with confidence. Prepare for the quantum future with QuSecure and embrace the power of QuProtect. 

We offer a complimentary PQC Ideation Workshop, providing your organization with a tailored roadmap to effectively begin implementing quantum-resilient data security measures. – Book Free PQC Ideation Workshop


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