24 Apr 2023 2 min read

Inside Quantum Technology – QuSecure’s latest partnership gets it into Red Hat platforms

Dan O’Shea / Inside Quantum Technology / 24 April 2023

The alliance between QuSecure and Red Hat is expected to provide benefits for both companies. QuSecure will gain access to the world’s leading enterprise-grade platform, which in turn gives them a greater reach into the enterprise market, allowing them to expand their business opportunities. For Red Hat, they are now able to offer a new level of post-quantum data protection to their customers.

The partnership will focus on QuSecure’s advanced cryptography solutions, which are based on the company’s QuProtect solution. The QuProtect technology uses a combination of physics and mathematics to create an unbreakable form of encryption that is designed to protect data even in the face of quantum computing power. The partnership with Red Hat allows QuSecure to integrate their technology into the company’s existing enterprise products and services, giving customers access to an even higher level of data security.

The collaboration between QuSecure and Red Hat is just the latest example of companies in the post-quantum cybersecurity space joining forces with well-established firms in order to gain greater access to enterprise and government customers. As the quantum computing revolution continues to grow, more of these partnerships can be expected, furthering the development of quantum secure solutions for the global market.

For businesses looking for advanced cybersecurity solutions that are designed to protect their data from even the most powerful forms of computing, the QuSecure-Red Hat partnership is a perfect example of how the right alliances can propel companies into new markets and further create opportunities for innovation in the post-quantum space. It’s an exciting time to be part of this revolution, and we look forward to seeing what else these two companies have in store.

Read the full article from Inside Quantum Technology here.


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